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What do you need...
A shaker - we prefer Parisian or Boston shakers
Strainer 1 - Hawthorn - does most jobs
Strainer 2 - fine mesh - prevents muddled stuff getting into your pretty cocktail
Strainer 3 - julep - if you’re using one of these you don’t need to read this!
Ice - avoid crushed ice on the whole - go for big bits (it dilutes the drink)
Jigger - measure accurately
A stirring glass / beaker
Glassware - the right glass for the right cocktail - it makes a difference (martini / Nick & Nora / Hiball / Rocks / Margarita / Hurricane)
Garnish - choose do it well or just don’t do it
Drink your cocktail whilst it’s laughing at you (i.e. whilst it is still cold!)

Top tips for cocktail making...
Use the best ingredients you can
Measure accurately - it matters
Chill your glassware
Add cheapest ingredients first (avoid expensive accidents)
Use good large as possible ice - DON’T REUSE
Shake hard
Use good glassware
Garnish thoughtfully
Squeeze fruit - no bottled stuff
Stir or shake
Stir - if your ingredients are clear
Shake - if anything not clear (it’s not the law - speak to 007…!)
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